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All Fired Up and Ready to Go

Updated: May 4, 2022

The game has just gone gold! Which means that it’s ready to be released in the coming weeks. We know you’ve all been waiting patiently for this moment.

However, before you get to playing the game, we thought it would be interesting to see how the game was unplayable during its stages of development.

Throughout development, there is nothing you can want more than all the pieces falling into place without interruption or error. The reality is though, throughout development it is highly likely that the game will run into errors, bugs, and other problems before the game reaches its final form, where everything is clean, clear and under control (hopefully).

Check No Point

At the initial stages of development, for some strange reason we had a bug that would have little Fogo fall through check points. This was due to how distinct parts of the level would be reloaded upon reloading the checkpoint. This was a real headache to work around!

Trippy Shaders

At its heart, Fogo is a 2D pixel art game inspired by games from the 16-bit era. However, Fogo also employs a lot of special effects unavailable during that time. These are called shaders and we had a hell of a time finetuning them! Here are some of the trippy effects that happened during that process:

All this for lava and some stars.


And finally, what would any collection of game bugs be without the never-ending fall? Forget Fogo’s fall through the checkpoint, how about the whole level not loading in:

All that to say, rest assured that the game that you will be playing today will be nice and clean. We have done a lot of QA and many Jiras to make sure you are playing the shiniest version!

We have all worked very hard on something we believe is very special. When we first started making the game, we thought a game built around spreading fire would be a novel idea, as it is something we haven’t seen before in other indies. As we worked on it, following our intuition, we discovered a game that took on an identity of its own. We want to thank everyone who believed in our project from the beginning, and we look forward to releasing Fogo and hearing your feedback!

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